MOM, dad and big brother

Software control parental is a tool useful, if applied to the right. Millions of single United States parents check their children online behaviour. In November 2004, a survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project showed that:

54% of families with computers connected to the Internet be used filtering technologies to block potentially dangerous content or have a kind of monitoring of installed software.

Nearly three-quarters of teens said that their computer at home is located in a place such as living room, 64% of parents said that they set the rules on the time of their children online.

Can find anything on the Internet, and some of its content is not appropriate for children or adolescents similarly. Web content filtering is becoming common in American families, and there is no suggestion that it is reasonable. Restricting the time adolescents spend in front of the screen is a good idea, too - we look after the health of our children.

, But everyone who has a teenage son or daughter to apply his computer activity monitoring software should? Not only the navigation history checking, but every keystroke monitoring is your child? Must it be done? Please think a little.

My view is that the monitoring software is "strong medicine." Like any medicine, it has its own side effects, which can be worse than the disease. Any other drug, if overused, can do harm.

I am well aware on children threats may in cyberspace. We are all. Of course know you about these dangers, too. Predators attracting children away from home to rape and kill. Suspicious "friends" meets your child online - who knows who they are and what they could teach your son or daughter? What is he or she you chat on - and with whom? It never leaves the minds of parents overwhelmed working, never occupied.

But still - monitoring software is not a panacea, even if sometimes advertising attempts to prove the contrary. If you plan to install a program that records everything done on a computer, answer this question:

What exactly you want to achieve? Make your child to obey rules or to catch the flagrante delicto?

Most likely, the first. What is you have exhausted all other means? If Yes, try to answer the following question:

If you are not something, your teen know why?

Don't forget that most of the people generally say to a toddler if he plays with a knife. They try to explain - even to a little girl - why not. You are sure that your very-old-and-intelligent young person knows why he or she should not reveal phone numbers, address and other personal information?

Regards not visit sites fuck, your teen is much more likely to obey the rules if you say that you care not only for him (but of course do you), but also for the computer. So now you are not preach your almost-grown-up child, you recall the safety information.

Viruses, worms, Trojan horses - adolescents know these words, and they do not know where they are more likely to choose this shit. If your child know (although it is unlikely), explain. If you don't know, learn about it and explain.

Where to learn? In many places. For example, here are good sources of information. What, they are interesting and simple English:



Look at these as well. Tastes differ, but your teenager might find it interesting:


A simple search will bring you much more information. It will be very useful for you as well.

If you think that you should apply software monitoring anyway, consider this:

Think first if Tower son or a daughter discovers that you have been logging every keystroke? Be prepared to deal with it.

Monitoring of computer, it is the last resort. This means that the situation is out of control. Is it really?

Aexandra Gamanenko currently, Raytown Corporation LLC - an independent monitoring and software anti-monitoring of development of company that offers various solutions to the security of the information.

Learn more about these products, visit the website of the company

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