You Can Control Your Child's Cell Phone Usage the Easy Way!

Parents should have the final word when it comes to their child's cell phone usage. I have started using the Parental Controls service offered by my wireless company and I have to say it is more than worth the $5 per month that they are charging me!

No more arguing over when to put the phone away. No more worrying about him staying up late talking to his friends (at least that's who I thought he was talking to). Non-stop texting was a daily hot topic at my house. Not anymore. It's hard enough to raise teenagers without the added aggravation of cell phone rules. What I thought was going to be an easy way for me to get in touch with him, became a way for everyone else to reach him also.

Who would have thought I could get rid of all of our phone problems with one easy solution? I signed up for the parental controls offered by my wireless carrier and now I don't have to worry. His phone is now set to block all incoming calls and messages after 10pm and it does not stop blocking calls until 7am. During the school year, it was also blocked while he was at school. In addition, I set it up so that certain numbers are never blocked (mom, dad, sister, grandma, etc.). His usage is no longer an issue much to my relief!

What he does not know is that I get a text message and a daily email report showing me which phone numbers tried to call him during the blocked period of time. I also use a service that allows me to search a cell phone number and find out who owns it. This has come in handy quite often. If it is someone that I am not comfortable with him talking to, I just add that number to the "always blocked" list. You might be surprised who your child is talking to. With all of the technology available to our children, you just never know. It only takes me a few minutes and it's definitely worth my peace of mind.

Check with your wireless carrier and find out if they offer parental controls. It is WELL worth the $5 per month that I am paying. One teenage problem down.... 99 to go!

For more information on monitoring or controlling your child's usage and cell phone number searches, feel free to visit my blog at:

You can also get a free preliminary report on any phone number when you search from my site.

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Use Repetitive Logic to Keep Your Teen From Arguing

As the second semester was recently starting (I teach 9th and 10th grade English in a public high school in southern California), a few of my students were moving around in terms of classes, but most of them were staying put in one of my sections. I spent a few days doing some team strengthening exercises and reviewing rules and expectations.

One of the areas that I spent time talking with my classes about was the idea that I'm not there to debate with students. We all know that teens and adolescents naturally start to rebel, That part of that rebellion is they start to have "an attitude" and talk back. I've found that there are two main ways to deal with this:

1. Pick and choose your battles. If it's not important, a stock answer like, "Because I asked you to and I need you to do what I ask", is an option. If your teen tries to keep the "debate" going, change the subject, or smile and don't answer.

2. Most things that teens debate have some kind of simple answer. Don't underestimate the simple. Sometimes simple things have the most meaning.

For example, I start off the school year by asking where the students want to go and what they want to do after high school. I start this by asking if anyone is planning on dropping out of high school. No hands usually go up. I usually lead the discussion into something like, "So can we agree that everyone has the same goal: to graduate high school?"

The kids usually agree. I quickly explain the role of English in the larger picture of graduation. Then I'm done. That's it. I make sure to end the segment by saying, "Remember your group's goal." For the rest of the year, when there is a behavior issue or a debate about why an assignment is given, I always go back to "Remember your group's goal."

It's doesn't solve everything, but the kids remember that they got to "Remember your group's goal" by agreeing that they had the shared goal of graduating. What does this mean for you as the parent of a difficult teenager? Develop your own logical reminder like, "Remember your group's goal."

For example, the first time your teen challenges you on having to take out the trash, lead them down a simple chain of logic:

"We all work pretty hard in this house, me and your mom with work, and you with school and sports, would you agree?"

(Get some agreement)

"I like our house, and when people come over, I like it to look nice. It's your house too and don't you think when it's clean, it's pretty nice?"

(Get SOME sort of agreement)

"We all have things we are responsible for, and we're all tired a lot of the time. The only way we can all do all the things we do is if we work together. It would be a nightmare if I asked you to do all of the housework, don't you think?"

(Again, get some agreement)

"So, our family's goal is that we work as a team so that all of the jobs get done and we have a nice life. How does that goal sound to you?"

(Let your teen respond. Regardless of what they say, keep the chain going.)

"So when you're tired and you don't want to take out the trash or you don't think you should have to, try to remember our family's goal, okay? Could you please take the trash out now?"

That's it. You put, "Remember our family's goal", in place. When the debate starts, don't engage. Use the line. You already did the work and led them down the simple logic chain. Now just remind your teenager on a regular basis.

They will get sick of hearing it. They might even mock you for it. It won't work for EVERYTHING (nothing does), but it's something you can experiment with. Try to avoid sounding like a therapist, so don't take EXACTLY what I have above. Change it to fit you and your teen.

Bryan Stoops is a public high school teacher in southern California. He has been teaching public intermediate/high school for the past six years. Bryan has a master's degree in education from the California State University System, and is almost done with two years of course work on his doctor of education degree at the University of La Verne, one of California's oldest private colleges. Bryan is also a busy husband and father of a toddler. Visit Bryan's site at [] for more free articles and to get Bryan's free report on parenting troubled teens.

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Secrets for Getting Cheap Auto Insurance for Your Teen

Most parents imagine that letting their teen drive the family car is going to cost them big bucks for car insurance. However smart parents know how to get the cheapest auto insurance, including the newest drivers in the family.

Insurance companies as well as parents know that, on the average, teenage drivers present greater risks than the average mature driver. You can't argue with statistics. Teens have been shown to take greater risks, have more accidents, and suffer more critical injuries and fatalities.

So how can parents get cheap car insurance, or at least the best rate possible, so that their young driver can do some of the schlepping back and forth to practices, the mall, friends' houses, and so on, without shelling out funds better used for college? Two major strategies come into play here: First, reducing the perceived risk of your teen's driving, and second, getting cheap auto insurance on line.

Let's look at the first strategy, keeping in mind that insurance companies base their premiums on average data. How do you convince an insurance company that your particular progeny is not a big a risk as the average teen? However many are willing to take into account factors beyond just age in calculating risk. Here are four things that your teen can do to help get that cheaper rate:

(1) Drive a "sedate" sedan. If your son or daughter will be driving the family four-door sedan or minivan rather than a sporty car, this is a good sign that they will not be tempted to show off. If they will have their own car, it should still be a four-door family type vehicle. If it is an older car with low resale value, you can even consider dropping the collision insurance and just pay for the necessary liability insurance.

(3) Take a course in driver education. Even if this is not a requirement in your locale, successful completion of a good course in how to drive may lower rates. Furthermore, it is likely to lead to safer driving in both normal and special driving conditions.

(2) Obey the laws and avoid making claims. In other words, avoid doing anything that might draw unfavorable attention on the part of the insurer. Insurance companies will make note of all those little claims for nicks and fender benders-so drive carefully and if necessary, pay for small repairs out of pocket. Also, moving vehicle violations will also boost the car insurance costs. Maintain a perfect record and you may be rewarded with a reduced premium.

(4) Get good grades. Teenagers that make the honor roll or otherwise keep their grade point average high are often awarded a "good student discount." Insurance companies have found that responsible behavior at school tends to go with responsibility behavior behind the wheel.

Finally, one of the best ways to lower your premiums is get cheap auto insurance on line. With or without a teenage driver, you can get cheap auto insurance quotes from multiple carriers and choose the policy that fits your needs and budget best. Just as,, and other sites have enabled travelers to get the best airfares from major carriers, online car insurance services now offer drivers the opportunity to get the best rates from top-level insurance carriers.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST POPULAR website advertising companies on the web.

Learn more about Cheap Auto Insurance.

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Peer Pressure Proof Your Teen

La pression des pairs est une force très puissante pour votre ADO. Si vous prévoyez de soulever un adolescent qui est assez fort pour lutter contre cette pression puis vous devrez donner ses possibilités à la pratique qui s'oppose à un consensus général ou idées populaires. Devinez ce que maman et papa... Cela signifie aussi votre autorité et votre opinion. Je parie que bon nombre d'entre vous sont prêts à retour arrière de cet article à ce stade mais le bâton avec moi pendant une minute.

Pensez à ce sujet, les seuls à passent du temps avec vos enfants est la famille ou des amis. Ils sont avec vous ou à l'école, un voisin maison, église, emploi à temps partiel ou équipe sportive. Si vous voulez élever des enfants fortes lorsqu'ils sont à l'extérieur de votre influence puis vous devez donner un endroit sécuritaire à la pratique.

Voici trois façons de preuve de la pression des pairs votre ADO :

1. Demandez-leur ce qu'ils pensent. Adolescents ont vues fascinantes sur tout, de la politique de la religion aux tendances actuelles. La clé de ce est d'écouter sans jugement. Avez-vous entendu cette dernière partie... sans jugement. Lorsque votre ADO a un point de vue opposé (de votre propre), la meilleure réponse à garder la conversation passe, c'est « c'est intéressant, comment avez-vous à cette conclusion » ? Leur permettre d'avoir des idées uniques et la liberté de partager. Ce sera leur enseigner qu'avoir une opinion différente est acceptable et encouragés. Une exigence pour résister à la pression des pairs.

2. Arrêter leur dire quoi faire et commencer leur enseignant à réfléchir sur les conséquences. Si les parents mis en œuvre cette un technique, argumentant pouvait être éliminée. C'est la nature humaine de nous défendre quand quelqu'un essaie de nous dire ce qu'il faut do...husbands résiste aux épouses lancinante, employés résister aux patrons autoritaires... si nous pourrions reconnaître que notre teen est également un homme et sujettes à résister, nous pourrions changer la dynamique. Je recommande d'enseignement conséquences plutôt.

En tant que parents, notre travail consiste à enseigner à nos enfants à fonctionner de manière indépendante dans la société. Cela signifie avoir les compétences nécessaires pour évaluer leurs choix et leurs décisions. Plus tôt vous démarrez le mieux. Je suis accueillir mes enfants à faire des erreurs et de subir les conséquences. Par exemple lorsque mon fils était en âge préscolaire il jeta un ajustement et piétiné un autobus scolaire en plastique. Au lieu de se mettre en colère ou punir je fait de lui donner son autobus scolaire identique, personnels au propriétaire de l'école. Il était tout à fait un sacrifice pour lui et il a mal profondément en ayant à renoncer à un personnel possession mais il jamais endommagé un autre jouet.

Lorsqu'il s'agit de pression votre adolescent doit savoir comment évaluer les conséquences de la dation en. Il peut être un préjudice à soi-même ou à d'autres, il peut-être perdre les clés de la voiture, il peut être passé la nuit en prison pour infraction à la Loi. En tant que parents, dans que nous nous précipitions pour protéger nos enfants de la souffrance, mais souffrant est un moyen de dissuasion très mauvais choix. Si nous ne fournissons pas d'un environnement sécuritaire pour les enfants à apprendre des conséquences lorsqu'ils sont relativement mineurs, beaucoup de jeunes feront face très dures réalités de la société à l'âge adulte. Leur apprendre à penser la situation grâce à la fin. Que se passera-t-il si... puis quoi... puis quoi... puis quoi. Plusieurs fois adolescents céder à la pression des pairs parce qu'ils sont englués dans le droit du moment en face d'eux. Par leur enseignant à mener la situation à la fin et à évaluer tous les résultats possibles, vous leur fournissez une compétence précieuse pour naviguer hors de la situation actuelle.

3. Leur apprendre à être indépendante de l'opinion des autres. C'est dur à enseigner aux parents, mais si vous l'obtenez les résultats sont étonnants. Montrez à vos enfants à rechercher en eux-mêmes la bonne réponse et ne pas se pour inquiéter de ce que les autres personnes pensent... dont vous (parent). Quand mes enfants apportent des questions difficiles pour moi je toujours leur demander ce que leur cœur ou le tube digestif est leur dire. Je fais ensuite très clair que peu importe ce que je pense. Je ne veux pas mes enfants à prendre des décisions fondées sur me plaire, ceci conduit à une durée de vie du conflit interne, toxicomanie, mécontentement, enjeux de la relation, etc.... Au lieu de cela leur apprendre à entendre leur voix intérieure.

Ces compétences sont difficiles pour la plupart des parents mais démarrer petit, on pratique une journée jusqu'à ce qu'ils commencent à se sentir plus naturel. Dites à votre adolescent de ce que vous faites. Si vous n'avez jamais permis votre adolescent d'avoir une vision différente, démarre la conversation avec "Je veux enseigner vous comment faire votre propre opinion quand vous êtes avec vos amis... cela vous aidera avec des pairs pression plus tard dans la vie... volonté vous m'aider en partageant une croyance que vous savez me fera mal à l'aise ?

Si vous pouvez faire ces... vous dormirez toujours bonne à nuit sachant que votre ADO a les compétences pour résister à la force de la pression des pairs.

Angie Milhous est un consultant d'humour et de la gestion de stress. Elle est un thérapeute infirmière, la direction et la famille. Angie est titulaire d'un Master de l'Université Webster et a plus de deux décennies d'expérience dans le renforcement des relations, la réussite des entreprises et la réussite personnelle. Elle parle à l'échelle nationale et n'individuels, des groupes et des affaires consulting.


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Help Parenting Your Troubled Teen Starts Here

Are you at a complete loss about how to parent your troubled teen? Do you argue with your teen and feel you can't get through to him or her? Are you aware of what's going on in your teen's personal life? Are you afraid to answer the phone because you know your teen is in trouble again?

Once your kids become teens, it's as if they become strangers. Teenage years bring pressures that mount with each passing year. Kids struggle with the age-old problems of peer pressure, grades, family and self-image. But now there are many more unique influences in your kid's life than ever before.

Think about it. Cyber-bullying didn't exist a few years ago. Neither did sexting. Kids are connected to each other 24 hours a day, 7 days a week technologically and that means socially, as well. They are interconnected through social networks like Facebook and MySpace. And that means that what one knows, all know. Rumors spread like wildfire and a kid's image and reputation can be ruined by a few cruel keystrokes.

And, unfortunately the internet provides troubled teens with outlets they might not otherwise have found. They can find supportive groups and fuel for destructive tendencies. It is all laid out for them with step-by-step instruction and encouragement.

Most teens have boundary issues and many can be labeled as disrespectful. But, some kids become depressed, withdrawn, angry or engage in destructive behavior. Others are obviously deeply troubled. It's hard to know how to parent a troubled teen when you aren't even sure if you contributed to your teen's behavior.

Troubled teens are engaging in destructive behaviors and are headed down a path that will destroy any chance at a positive future. They not only hurt themselves, they can destroy your family. But you are not alone. Most parents need help dealing with their troubled teens and seeking help is much smarter than going it alone.

What can you do as a parent of a troubled teen? There are options for you and there is help. Read on to find some help at

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Is Your Lazy Teen Driving You Up the Wall?

You will be no stranger to the frustration that comes with a teenager whose hand has become welded to the remote or whose only attempt to lift a finger is to click on the mouse!

And in addition to frustration, you may well find yourself losing your patience and your temper. And that's understandable. We are single parents and most of us are single-handedly supporting a home, financially and practically, possibly working full-time, and very likely have other children as well.

And here are these almost-adults we share our homes with expecting us to run around and do everything! Not only that, but the effort that it takes to persuade, cajole and nag them into doing the simplest chore is often the hardest work of all!

Not all parents of teens have to deal with drug-taking or aggressive behaviour, teenage pregnancy or any of the other 'teen problems' but the experience of laziness to some degree is probably almost universal!

New research suggests that the teenage lack of energy is caused by the hormonal upheaval of puberty. They say that it might be due to a delay in melatonin (the hormone that helps us to sleep) production at night which means they don't want to go to sleep until late and consequently they get very tired. Teenagers need more sleep than either children or adults because of the speed at which they are growing. (See BBC news article below)

So perhaps they can't help it and they are just tired all the time and we as parents need to be more understanding.

However, the BBC article does say that the research is not conclusive, and suggests that the delay in melatonin production could be caused by the bright lights of computer and television screens which stimulate the brain.

All of which doesn't really help us very much in our day to day lives with our teenage son or daughter.

So what could help?

As I was researching for this article I came across an American forum where parents were sharing experiences of laziness in their teenagers. In these pages of discussion parents shared all the different ways they were dealing with it. Some favoured strict discipline, others used various systems of reward, and others did nothing. Some of them seemed to be successful and others didn't, but not because of any particular method.

What was striking about those people who seemed to have some success was that they were consistent in what they did. The parents who'd "tried everything" seemed to be the ones having most trouble.

And here as single parents we have both an advantage and a disadvantage. In a couple you can often be at odds with the other person - more couples argue about parenting differences than almost anything else (except money)! Which makes being consistent difficult. On the other hand, for some single parents, the other 'inconsistent' parent is still in the picture but not in the same house. So your child goes to spend time with them and all your good work is undone and/or your child plays you off against each other and there is nothing you can do about it.

It's important to deal with it in a way that works for you, your life style, your beliefs and values and your unique and individual relationship with your child. However, here are some ideas for you to think about:

Keep them busy - imagine the start of the six week summer holiday with no plans, its not an incentive to be motivated is it?
Give them household tasks - with a clear system of positive consequences for getting them done
Get them doing something they are good at, whether it be digging holes, archery or cooking!
Set a limit on video games and television - and then suggest other hobbies or activities they could be doing, or you could do together.
Spend time with your teen - let them know you value their company
Hire your teenager for special jobs - offer opportunities to do special projects in the house to earn money
Support them to get a job, or volunteer in a local project

One mother says that when her son was 16 that she had an enlightening moment after many battles with him about laziness, she realised he was who he was and the only thing she could do was to accept him.

He was not getting into trouble at school, he didn't get involved in drugs or drinking. He always was home close to on time and the police never escorted him. Sometimes he was rude to her but she thought not as bad as a lot of children, he never used bad language within her hearing and other adults thought he was great, so she decided to ignore the laziness!

And what she found is that after a while he began to do things himself, help out with chores, tidy his room etc without having to be asked. Now this may not work for everyone but it does highlight something important to remember:

Tell them about their positive attributes.

In your frustration don't forget about all the positive and good things about your son or daughter and whatever you do, try not to get stuck into a battle of wills with your teen that results in nothing but stalemate.

Remember, in the words of Zen, 'this too will pass'.

Useful Links: A fantastic resource for single parents

BBC website - Report of research into teenagers and their sleep patterns and energy levels.

Guardian website Report of the same research as the BBC link above, but focusing on how evidence suggests teenagers perform better at school in the afternoon.

One Space is the parenting site for single parents.

It offers an online community for single parents with support from experienced parenting facilitators and brings together essential information, interactive learning games, multi-media content, links to other support organisations and news. The online groups also act as a support group, where people can gain information and support from others who have been through similar experiences - a lifeline to many who unexpectedly find themselves to be single parents.

One Space aims to be the first port of call for single parents online.

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Holiday Shopping Ideas for Your Teen

Teenagers are arguably the hardest ones to shop for. They are going through many changes and mood swings and one is never too sure what they truly will enjoy. Especially with technology and styles changing so quickly shopping for your teenager can put you on the good or bad side very quickly. Given the difficulty of deciding on gift ideas, here are some helpful suggestions to put a smile on that hormone driven teenager.

One gift that ever teenager wants would be an MP3 Player or IPOD. Most likely the IPOD because they tends to be the "in" thing, however even phones are able to do the same trick. Surprise your teen with a new phone. Each carrier has many different options, colors, and designs. This way you serve two purposes, one a way to stay in touch and two your teen gets to enjoy listening to music. Of course it is also more cost effective to buy one phone that can play music than a phone and an IPOD.

Another piece of technology that teens will enjoy this holiday season is a portable DVD player. Of course I would not recommend this be taken to school, but on those long car rides, it would sure be nice to occupy your bored teenagers with a movie player. Or maybe you can all enjoy watching a DVD together. A little family time could never hurt.

Game systems, video games, portable gaming now belongs to children of all ages, but certainly teenagers will never refuse. These days' teens can enjoy gaming wherever they are, at home or in the car. Getting them an Xbox, WII or PS3 this holiday will definitely win you cool points with them and their friends. Video games never get old and they are making some that improve your mind, eyes and vocabulary. Learning is now fun and disguised as a video game. Of course one may argue that teens already spend enough time by themselves with their friends. Why can't we do a family activity together? Ok, there are games like "Scene It" or "Guitar Hero" that plug into your television and create some family friendly competition. Go up against your teen to see who can play the best lead guitar. You will look like the coolest parent. Plus they can always invite their friends over to play at home, rather than using your precious gas and money at the mall.

Cameras and Camcorders are another gift idea that will definitely bring a smile to your teen's face. They can take pictures or video of their family, friends and outings. Make a cool photo album or add a video to You-tube. Your teen will be creative and inventive with these gifts. Another idea to keep the creativity rolling is a new computer. Desktop or notebook computers are probably more affordable now than they ever were. Plus they come with printers or cameras. A teen in today's world should know how to use a computer, not only to type a paper or get a job, but to be inventive and creative. Did you see the commercial the kid made with his i-phone? It was amazing and featured on television. Could your teen create the next commercial or write a song? The software is out there to help. Even though the internet may not be the safest place for a teen, the computer can still provide some valuable skills.

Enough gifts for the indoors, here are some suggestions if you would want your teen to be outside. Maybe a new snowboard, wakeboard, paintball gun, skateboard, basketball hoop, softball tee, and there are many other ideas. Just choose an activity that he or she enjoys or that you can play together. It is never too late to learn a new sport with your teen.

Shopping for your teen this holiday season should now be a little easier with these helpful suggestions. Now your moody hormone ridden teen can wear a smile on their face and so can you.

Online marketing professional working on Online Coupons on ECommerce projects.

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How to Discipline Your Child - Especially a Difficult One

Why does my three-year-old kid have more temper tantrums than other kids?

I'm sick of my six-year-kid arguing about everything!

My just-turned-teenager says no to everything. I'd like to give up, but I can't.

About 10 percent of kids are difficult. They are crankier than other kids and they don't respond well to typical parenting approaches.

How to discipline your child effectively under these circumstances all too often feels impossible and leads to a lot of hopelessness and frustration. Here are five tips that have been effective for parents throughout my forty years of counseling over 2,500 children (most of them difficult) and families.

1. Work on only one or two problems at a time, and let the others slide for awhile. Difficult kids throw a lot of frustrating situations at parents. Dealing with all of the problems at once is impossible.

2. Don't yak - act. Difficult kids can out-argue adults. Set a firm consequence without a lecture, and then follow through. Your actions (not words) will eventually improve your child's behavior.

3. Use a double-barreled approach: firm consequences and rewards. You need to take away things (video time, iPod) and add rewards (rented video game, money over a two- or three-week period for a Lego set, etc.). Difficult kids need more motivation to change than less difficult kids. This double-barreled approach is a must.

4. Don't yell. I know you're thinking, YOU spend a day with my kid, especially during a Wal-Mart temper meltdown and see how calm you are. You're right; calmness all the time would be sainthood. But, try to leave when you get too upset. (The store's greeter will not take over!) Lecturing and yelling will always make things worse with a difficult child. Come back after you're calm and set the limit. When you're in a store, give your child a stern, brief warning with a consequence. If he keeps it up, head back to the car.

5. Teach your child to express feelings as early as age two. Since difficult children get angry easily, start with the feelings of anger or upset. This will eventually help the child (not completely solve the problem) use feelings words for anger instead of a temper tantrum. As you are directing Amie to her room, point out to her that she's handling her upset feelings by whining. After Amie's calm, you can discuss the importance of using feelings words instead of whining. Talk like this on a regular basis and your child will start saying feeling words within three weeks.

Make sure your child is not experiencing emotional problems. Children as young as three years of age can be depressed. If your parenting techniques doesn't seem to make any difference, seek a qualified child mental health professional.

Using these tips to discipline your child when he or she is difficult will help your parenting challenges be a little less frustrating and move both of you in a more positive direction.

Gary M, Unruh, MSW LCSW, is a child and family mental health counselor with nearly forty years of experience. He also consults with clients' teachers, and administers training programs related to ADHD, bipolar disorder, and behavior management. In his book, Unleashing the Power of Parental Love: 4 Steps to Raising Joyful and Self-­Confident Kids (©2010, $17.95, Lighthouse Love Productions), he offers parents advice from both his professional view - with years of both counseling and personal experience - but also from a personal perspective as a father of four, and a very proud "papa" of seven grandchildren. Read more about the book at

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How to Teach Your Child Right From Wrong

0 - 1 YEAR

At this stage in life, the concepts of right and wrong are not possible to teach. Rather, an infant who is shown warmth,cuddling and loving attention is likely to grow into a healthy and happy adult.

1 - 2 YEARS

Rather than scolding a child or arguing with him about

misbehaver, try to take preventative measures beforehand. If

you don't want him pulling things out the cupboards, make sure

they are secured. At this age of short attention span, discipline beyond a simple "no" is unnecessary and can have

undesirable effects.

2 - 4 YEARS

Children of this age, unable to understand abstractions such as generosity and truth, imitate their parents. So set an example.Be firm in disallowing undesirable behavior, but do so in a kind and friendly manner, without attempting to explain why.

4 - 6 YEARS

This is the time where you can really take some positive steps to reinforce your child's positive behavior. Give him lots of praise when it's due. Children of this age respond well to simple reasoning and explanations. Concepts such as truthfulness and generosity can be introduced. Continue to set an example of acceptable behavior. The child at this stage wants to please you and wants to be liked by others.

5 - 8 YEARS

Children develop a greater social awareness at this age. They understand the basic rights of others when taught fairness,values and the need to follow certain rules of behavior. Rules and limitations not only seem just to the child, but give him a good feeling of security.

8 - 11 YEARS

Due to natural growth and influences outside the home, your child has likely become more independent. He may begin to

question your decisions, contradict or argue. You must remain

firm in the important matters and flexible in less important

ones. Demonstrate and discuss the child's duties and

responsibilities to friends, relatives and society. Set

examples of moral behavior. Sex education can also be important

at this stage.

12 - 17 YEARS

These are normally rebellious years for most teenagers. Infact, teenagers who never rebel are probably in emotional trouble. As a parent you must weather the storm when your teenager begins to question and test conventional values, rules and beliefs. If you've instilled a sense of values at an early age, chances are he still retains many of those ideas. Try to keep lines of communication open and don't push the panic

button. If communication does break down and tensions mount

considerably, seek professional help.


At this stage most young adults are forming, or have formed,their own set of values. However, life still holds for them many unanswered questions, and a warm yet honest relationship can still go a long way in helping them reach mature adulthood.


I am a Resource Specialist, and a Credentialed Special Education Teacher in the State of California for over 20 years. I received my MA degree in Special Education from California State University. I have worked with hundreds of children in both regular education and special education classrooms. Creating a successful teaching environment depends upon many factors, and working with the parents has always been the most important factor.

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Help Dealing With Out of Control Teens

Do you feel that you may have an out of control teen? Is your teenager strong-willed, rebellious, disrespectful and defiant towards most everyone and everything? Are you at a loss for what you can do to stop this out of control behavior? Defiance is common in most teenagers. Most of the time they are just trying to establish their independence. While being independent is a good thing, defiance is not.

As a teenager my friends and I were considered out of control teens, so I remember how they feels. My parents didn't understand me or what I was going through. I now know that I was very normal and my parents did not realize that I was just fighting for my independence. My experiences have dramatically influenced how I now parent my own children.

Out of control teens can be helped. Some of the ways that you may be able to help include family or individual counseling, showing an interest in your child's activities, Talk about your expectations with your child. Remember to pick your battles. Don't judge everything your teen does. Look for the important things, and don't get upset and focus on the unimportant matters. It is very important let your child know that you are supportive and want to help.

There are signs that might indicate you have out of control teens on your hands. If your child is constantly losing their temper, regularly arguing with adults, Refusing to follow rules or comply with requests. Showing spitefulness and vindictiveness or is easily angered.

There are so many different reasons children become struggling out of control teens. There might be Conflict in the family or they may have witnessed family violence. They may have friends who abuse substances or engage in delinquent behavior. They may have a family history of mental disorders, addiction or problem behavior, or they may have experience a trauma in early childhood.

Parents often turn to the law for help with out of control teens. This approach usually back fires, and parents are left facing even bigger problems. The law is not a solution for out of control or troubled kids. Laws are made to punish, not to understand and help. Punishment only adds fuel to the fire. They have no concern for normal human behavior or raging hormones.

Out of control teens often say they want nothing to do with their parents. This is usually very far from the truth. Troubled teenagers often confide in there counselors that they don't get to spend enough time with their parents. Parents and their children need one-on-one time. Children require guidance and assistance and this remains imperative as they grow older. You need to identify what you are missing in your teen's life?

Educate yourself on out of control teens. Be willing to adapt your parenting style to what might possibly work better. Be willing to listen to someone who may be able to help. Remember, you can't control your teenager, but you can be a positive and powerful influence in their life. Do your part, be involved and show them the way.

Raising kids is harder than ever these days. Everyone needs a little help every now and then. Learn effective parenting tools so you can help your out of control teens solve their own problems and improve their behavior.

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How to Communicate With Teenagers

Communicating with your teenager might be frustrating. You might not know the best way to go about it or what strategies to try. It`s important to remember that different things work for different families, so it is best to try different methods to see which one works for you.

Teenagers can be tricky. They are caught somewhere between being a kid and wanting to be an adult. However, with this age it can also bring defiantness, poor listening skills, impulsive behavior and decision making. Some teenagers run wild at this age; they may act out, not listen and seem to have no remorse or concern for their actions.

When teenagers are just doing minimal acting out, it is always advisable to have an open relationship with them. That means that you ensure there is time to talk and that you open yourself to it. Find periods of time during the day to bring up conversation. For example; making breakfast, or during dinner, find time to talk to your teenager. They may not tell you anything important, but just knowing that you are there to listen is a great first step to communicating.

Often the way adults approach teenagers can affect how the conversation is going to turn out. For example, if a parent is upset about something and storms into their teen`s room and starts accusing them of something, they may get defensive and mad. That is because teenagers sometimes feel that the whole world is against them and that nobody understands them.

To make your teenager not feel like they`re up against a wall, you should find an alternate way to talk to them. This could include giving your teenager some respect; you could knock on their door, and give them the benefit of the doubt. That means that you`re going to go into the conversation with an open mind. When your teenager can see that you`re not accusing and that you`re just talking to them, they might open and up and tell the truth.

If teenagers are doing some serious acting out and they are out of control, often there is not much that you can really do. You are not happy with the choices they are making, but the best thing to do is stand back and let your teenager learn from their mistakes. Often times, parents will complain that their teenagers are doing things that they don`t like and in response to it, they yell, scream, argue and take things away.

The only problem with giving out harsh punishment to a teenager, who is acting out to the extreme, is that they will likely only rebel further and the relationship between parent and child might become damaged. Often it is best to stop accusing, blaming and giving out punishment. Keeping an open relationship with your teenager is the ultimate way to stay connected while you both go through the stage in his/her life.

Try to remember that all teenagers go through that troubling teenaged time period. And while some teenagers may act out more than others, the important thing to remember is that the period of time is only short and temporary. That means that your teenage daughter will eventually become a wonderful human being again! If you can get through the short time period while keeping a good relationship going, then you will most likely not regret it in the future.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil.

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Should Tanning Beds Be Banned For Use By Teenagers?

"I remember being a young teenager and fantasizing about what my life would be like in a few years, when I was old enough to hit the beach with my friends. Back then, I was obsessed with the idea of tanning because I wanted to get my body picture perfect for the day that I first slipped into a bikini and waded into the water with a co-ed group of friends. At the time, I asked my parents about using a tanning bed. They refused, for a number of reasons starting with the cost and continuing on in to health concerns.

I was a typical teenager so I begged and pleaded and argued and yelled. And then I finally gave up and realized that I wasn't going to be using a tanning bed at any time during my teenage years. But that didn't do anything to diminish my dreams of having the perfect tan in place for whenever I might finally make it to those co-ed beach parties. Instead, I took a towel out into the hot sun, climbed up on the roof and began to tan naturally. Of course, I didn't tan, I burned. But I was a teenager, and I was stubborn, and as soon as the burn had peeled away, I did it again. This was a consistent story throughout my teenage years.

Would I have benefited as a teenager for being allowed to use a tanning bed? Probably not if I'd been given free reign to use one at my leisure (say if we had gotten one for our own home). But, given the right supervision and education in tanning procedures, I probably would have harmed the health of my skin a lot less if I was using a tanning bed than I did by abusing the sun.

Here are some things to think about if you are the parent of a teenager who wants to use a tanning bed:

o Where there's a will, there's a way. Educating your kids about the dangers that are your cause for concern is always better than just banning a product.

o Proper use of tanning lotions and other tanning products increases the safety of indoor tanning. Taking your teenager to a salon that will provide this education could be a good step towards healthful tanning for the rest of his or her life.

o Improper exposure to UV rays is particularly damaging for youths and teens. A good tanning salon can moderate exposure. As a parent, you should always go to the tanning salon with your teenager (yes, she'll hate you for it now and yes, she'll thank you for it later). Explain your concerns to the salon and work out a proper tanning plan to make sure that only moderate UV radiation will occur.

o Educate yourself. The more that you know about the topic of tanning, the better equipped you are to assist your teenager when the topic comes up.

The fact is that teenagers often do what they want. If you, as a parent, try to ban the option of tanning beds then your teenager is likely to find some other way to get that tan. Open communication with your teenager about the reasons for wanting a tan and the proper procedures for doing so will go a long way towards protecting the health of your child's skin and improving your relationship."

Baxter Owens is the developer of, an ultra premium Tanning Bed Lotion website & vendor. offers premium tanning lotion at discount, wholesale prices. Visit today for all of your indoor tanning & skin care needs!

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Today's Angry Teens

Lately, several parents asked: "Where is my teen's anger coming from?" Teenagers, like adults, experience stress every day. The stubborn and argumentative teen is fighting for independence and less control by his or her parents. An angry teen is battling with daily difficulties and is trying to make sense of emotional issues, such as:

changes in their bodies

trying to establish an identity

dealing with friends

positive and negative peer pressure

school demands

separation or divorce of parents

being accused of something they did not do

being treated unfairly

not getting a chance to voice their opinion

chronic illness or death of a loved one

taking on too many activities

parents' high expectations

It's no surprise that our teens might become overloaded with stress. Teenagers have poor coping skills, and getting angry is the only way they know how to avoid feeling sad, hurt, or afraid.

Teens also have unreasonable expectations, especially if they are used to getting what they want when they want it. If this does not happen, or they realize that things are not always within their control - they get angry.

Their anger can take many forms - some teens might repress their anger and withdraw, while others get defiant, destructive or turn to alcohol and drugs.

Various situations can bring out feelings of anger. Parents are often caught by surprise and react by either yelling or arguing back, or punishing their teen for showing their anger.

Instead, parents need to see this show of anger or rage as a signal that their teen is battling with or facing a situation they cannot handle on their own, or is overwhelmed by the demands of his or her daily live.

Fortunately parents have many options to help their teens through their frustration and cope with everyday pressure:

Ask your teen what unresolved conflict he or she is facing

Listen to your teen

Focus on his or her feelings

Understand the situation from your teen's perspective

Help your teen work towards a solution

Show your teenager that you care

Unresolved issues can escalate to physical violence, addictions, and psychosomatic disorders. This can devastate your teens life by destroying relationships, clouding effective thinking, and ruining his or her future. Seek professional help for your teen, yourself, and or your family if necessary.

Christina Botto, author of Help Me With My Teenager! A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents that Works and Fitting The Pieces has been involved with helping parents and their teens resolve complicated issues for more than 16 years. She also owns Parenting A Teenager - a site that offers a variety of tools and resources to help parents understand their teens.

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Teach Your Children to Respect You

The most important value you will ever teach your children is: to respect their parents. And since you cannot pass anything on that you don't incorporate yourself, you will have to start by first respecting your children. If they don't feel treated like a human being, worthy of respect and love, deserving of your attention, then their cooperation will be in short supply.

First, you show them respect. Second, you teach them to respect you.

So how to go about this in practice? What to do if your children complain about the food, insult you because you're picking them up from the gym 10 minutes too late, or if they don't want to clean up their own mess?

Let's have a look at these situations one by one:

1. Are the kids complaining about the food? Do you hear a "bwerk" when they see what's in the casserole? Well, you are no fool, are you? You just spent one hour in the kitchen preparing that meal. Before cooking, you spent one hour at the grocery store buying the food. Before that, you spent many hours on the job, earning the money to pay for that food. So you now start asking yourself, "Did I not give enough of myself for this meal?" Yes, you did! You do not owe it to them to prepare a warm meal every day. But you do owe it to yourself to get some respect from those for whom you make all these efforts. Enough is enough! You did your part of the deal, now it's up to them. Teach your children to say "thank you" for every meal. If they have no "thank you" on offer but only muster a "bwerk," then you are not making dinner for at least two days! Soon they'll be begging you for a warm dinner, and God knows they will be very grateful when they finally get one on the third day! Never continue delivering a service that is not appreciated. You'd be a fool to do that! How does it feel to be toiling away behind the stove, all the while fearing your efforts and goodwill won't be appreciated? This is no way to live! If they appreciate neither your efforts nor your cooking, then make them go without for 2 or 3 days, and see what happens.

2. Are the kids insulting you just because you're ten minutes late when picking them up from the gym? Then stop picking them up from the gym for a few times! Make it clear to them that they have to appreciate your effort of taking them and picking them up. Don't start an argument with them, for that doesn't work. Don't keep explaining time and time again that they should respect you, but rather show them by taking action. If they are unable to see the difference between the important facts (you are there to pick them up) and the unimportant facts (being ten minutes too late), then let them feel the difference. Next time around, simply don't take them to the gym, so they will become aware of the difference and learn to appreciate what you are doing for them. Don't settle for being treated like a slave. You are worthy of respect! Show them what it means to be a person who respects himself. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

3. Are the kids complaining that "there is nothing to eat" in the house, while the kitchen cupboards are bulging with food? What they mean, of course, is that THEIR favorite food is not available in large enough a quantity. Do your kids have this kind of complaints? Okay, here's what you do: stop going to the grocery store for a while. That way the kids will have to first finish all the food in the fridge and in the cupboards (or go do some household shopping themselves, also an enlightening exercise). This also makes for an economical cleaning up of all those half-finished packs of crackers, biscuits, cheese, and the like. Then comes the next phase where there really is "nothing" left in the cupboards. Now is the time to go to the grocery store, and you can bet on it that they will appreciate the new arrivals! They will feel like there's "so much to eat," while in fact there's less food than when they were complaining there was "nothing to eat."

4. Are the kids putting tons of ketchup on their food, continuously ignoring your warnings to be more economical and eat healthier? Stop arguing about it, for that doesn't work. Instead, stop buying ketchup all the time! For example, buy one bottle of ketchup per month and clearly tell your children that they'll have to do with this one bottle for the whole month. When the bottle is done, it's done, till next month comes around. If necessary, buy a bottle for each child and label it. That way your children will learn to regulate their "ketchup behavior."

5. Are the kids ignoring your orders to put their shoes in the designated place? Do they go on leaving their shoes all around the house? Tell them this will be the last warning, and that from now on, any shoes found scattered around will be "launched" into the back yard. And then, stick to your promise! I had to do this once with my sun's basketball shoes: I launched them outside. As it happened, that night it was raining cats and dogs. The next morning he cried, "What do I do now? My shoes are all wet!" I said to him, "Sun, this is your problem." Believe me, I had to do this only once! Once your children know that you will do as you say, then you won't have to do it. They will respect your word!

6. Are your children's rooms a mess? You want the mess to be cleaned up? Don't do it yourself! Your teenagers should clean up their own mess! So instead of arguing about it, tell them that they have to clean up their room before dinner on Saturday. That way you are giving them plenty of freedom to chose their own timing. Come Saturday evening dinnertime, go check if the room is tidy. If not, then there is no dinner for that child. After all, this was the deal: room to be cleaned BEFORE dinner. They can still clean their room right there and then, and have dinner when they're done, but as long as the room is not clean there is no dinner. You could also say, "You clean your room and after that you can go out with your friends." Be consistent and do as you say.

This is where many parents stumble when dealing with their children: they argue too much. They go on explaining the same thing dozens of times. Do you really think the kids didn't understand what you were saying? If you have said something two times, then that's enough. After the second time, you should ACT and not TALK.

Don't argue with them! Never argue with a child. You are the parent, you are the one who decides. You can negotiate with your child, but don't feel you need to explain yourself. Kids have much more energy than you do, and sooner or later you will give up (or give in) because your energy is spent while theirs is not. They know that and they will win the battle! Don't get tempted to go into endless discussions with your child. Learn to act after the second warning. Be consistent! That's the only way to get respect.

Written by Ineke Van Lint, psychologist. My goal is to help you achieve success and happiness. Accomplish your mission on earth and love yourself. Two free e-courses at

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Tips on Getting Your Teen to Do Their Homework

Getting your teenager do his or her homework can be an exhausting task. A teen will be more interested in going out with friends after returning from school. He or she will want to hang out with friends instead of sitting at home to do homework. That is why parents need to be more proactive to get teenagers to do their homework.

Here are some tips on getting your teen to do their homework:

o It is important to create an environment that is conducive for your teen to do his or her homework. Some teenagers need silence and privacy to complete their tasks while others might be more comfortable sitting in the kitchen with the TV blaring in the background. Make sure that your teenager has everything he or she needs to complete the homework. They can get distracted easily so just make sure that they fetch everything that is required to complete the homework before sitting at the table.

o Routine is very important even if you teenager argues about it. But most teenagers feel very secure when they have a routine. Therefore set a time during which they have to complete their homework. This way you will not have to nag them. However, check on them from time to time and be there if they need any help or assistance to complete their assignments.

o When teenagers enter high school, they may want to take up many different activities. However, you should try talking to your teenager and explaining that they should only take up those activities that they can do and still have time to complete all the school assignments.

Remember, getting teens to do homework is not an easy task but the above tips should help to a great extent.

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in education & parenting. She also offers top quality articles like:
How Smoking Effect Environment, Drinking & Driving Effects.

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Your Defiant Child

Your defiant child has just created another huge upset. You're still reeling from yet another mean and nasty fight, and once again you let him suck you into the battle and say things you wish you hadn't said, despite your resolve to stay calm. He's stormed out of the house, and part of you almost wishes he would just stay the hell away, while part of you is broken-hearted, wondering what happened to the nice kid you used to know. What happened to the child you lovingly raised and sacrificed for and tried to teach right and wrong and proper values and respect for the rights and feelings of others? What went wrong?

As children become pre-adolescents, then adolescents and teenagers, part of their developmental course is to learn to make more of their own decisions on the way to becoming more independent and as they try to figure out their place in the world. As a part of all that, a certain drawing away from their parents is natural and desirable. Conflicts between parent and child are all but inevitable, but in most families the level of conflict and rebellion and upset doesn't get out of hand.

Sometimes, though, your teen's rebellion and anger in response to the natural conflict and tension escalates, and you end up with a child who is always angry, and who becomes some combination of sullen, withdrawn, sarcastic, disrespectful, truant from school, rule-breaking, spiteful, vindictive, unkind and defiant, among other things.

These are the kids who have developed "Oppositional Defiant Disorder". They consistently refuse to follow requests or commands. They often lose their temper, argue and defy. They get annoyed easily, and don't take responsibility for their own actions-everything is always somebody or something else's fault. They're stubborn, they test limits, they're manipulative.

These attitudes and behaviors usually don't occur alone. Very often learning disorders; ADD or ADHD; or mood disorders such as anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder are present. It's important to have your child evaluated-you need to know the full picture to have a better shot at successfully dealing with the situation.

Based on the evaluation, several treatment approaches may be considered.

If anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, ADD or ADHD are present, medication is often used, although it should be mentioned that there is more and more controversy about the use of Ritalin and anti-depressants.
Many authorities believe that "Parent Management Training", or "PMT" is the most effective treatment. PMT programs attempt to teach parents better parenting skills, especially how to look for reasons to praise and reinforce positive behavior, while ignoring negative behaviors, where appropriate. Parents are also taught that they don't have to join every battle.
Individual therapy for your defiant teen isn't often very helpful, but family therapy can be useful.
In extreme cases, boarding school may be the answer. There are plenty of variations-military school, "Therapeutic Boarding School", "Residential Boarding School", "Boot Camps", and so forth.

There is lots of information available on the web, at the library, and in the bookstore. There are hundreds of books, and dozens of comprehensive CD, DVD, and web-based programs. A few hours research will turn up plenty of information to get you started. Unless you actually are a terrible, abusive parent, and your child is acting out his rage, your angry teen probably isn't your fault. Some kids just somehow never got through the "terrible twos", according to one theory. Statistically (and thankfully), most kids eventually get through it, and grow up to be responsible and productive adults.

Bob Harvey enjoys writing on health and family issues, and also enjoys uncovering existing resources and helping give them wider distribution. For lots more free information on "Angry Teens", visit Defiant Child Answers.

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When it Comes to Teens - To Argue Or Not to Argue

I've been a high school teacher for three years, a junior high teacher for two, and now I am back to high school for my sixth year of teaching.

I've heard it over and over again: "Never argue with a teenager."

It's been handed down like gospel truth. But I don't think it's as simple as that.

As a school teacher, I DO like the idea that you need to figure out how to pick your battles and which things you can let go. One of the biggest problems that teachers and parents have is that they have expectations of being in control of 100% of their teens' actions.

I have learned that despite all of my education and all of my skills, NO ONE CAN BE IN CONTROL OF 100% OF WHAT TEENAGERS DO.

That being said, I try to pick and choose my battles. Some issues I let go immediately, and some things are worthwhile to me to talk, or argue, about with teenagers for as long as it takes for me to feel like I've expressed myself.

The recent presidential election brought about an incident with a teenage relative of mine. There was a state proposition that I found to be particularly hateful.

The teenage relative had the same perspective on the presidential candidates that I did, not that I need everyone around me to agree with all of my ideas in life.

When it was announced that the proposition had passed, I and a lot of other family and friends in the room, were a little shocked. The teenager raised his fists in triumph.

I spent the next several minutes explaining why I thought the proposition was wrong, and the teenager engaged me in a debate that bordered on being an argument.

I knew I wasn't going to change his mind, and that wasn't the point. It was an issue that was important to me and I was not willing to let it go. At the end of the conversation, I was no closer to making the relative see my point of view, but I didn't care.

It was an issue that was important to me, and I chose to engage on the topic, knowing that I would not change the teen's mind.

What I did want him to know was that I had an opinion that was contrary to his and it was on an important issue. I wasn't willing to "let it go" because the conversation was going to turn out to be "pointless". I didn't care.

If you're struggling with your relationship with your teen, ask yourself, "What are the little things that I can let go, and what are the things as a parent and a human being that I WON'T EVER look the other way on because they are too important to me?"

Sorry to use a political example (and if you know what proposition I'm writing about and you are on the other side, I would really enjoy having a conversation about the issue and expressing our different points of view in a civil way, what could be more American than that?) but I want you to think about what issues and rules and ideas that have to do with your teen are that important to you.

If you get in the habit of giving up on every discussion because it's "pointless" your teen is never going to get the values and the morals that you are trying to give them to turn them into good people.

So, choose carefully, but when the time is right and you refuse to look the other way, argue away. The "point" is that your teen needs to know what is important to you, whether they agree or not.

© 2009 Bryan Stoops, M.A., ED. -

Bryan Stoops is a public high school teacher in southern California. He has been teaching public intermediate/high school for the past six years. Bryan has a master's degree in education from the California State University System, and is almost done with two years of course work on his doctor of education degree at the University of La Verne, one of California's oldest private colleges. Bryan is also a busy husband and father of a toddler. Visit Bryan's site at [] for more free articles and to get Bryan's free report on parenting troubled teens.

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For All Single Parents - How to Survive Your Adolescents

Every stage of life carries with it certain tasks of emotional development and adolescence is no exception. Adolescence is a major developmental bridge lasting from ages 10 and 20 and can be an extremely stressful time especially for a single parent. During this developmental period, adolescents have the following tasks to accomplish: establish their own identity; give up childhood dependency; develop their own values; deal constructively with authority; learn to deal with the opposite sex; and, handle their rampant physical and emotional changes. All this, while on the surface, rejecting their parent.

Recent research, however, indicates that teenagers learn to simulate the parent's values more than they do their friends. Although this may be surprising, it should also be viewed as helpful. The research indicates that the enduring values of their parent are in fact transmitted.

So then as a single parent you should take a look at what you can do to more positively influence your teenagers and get through the often tumultuous adolescent years with less stress.

Here are six actions you can take:

1. Don't fail their test of your love. If you must withhold, withhold your approval, not your love.

2. Don't insist on intimacy. Communication comes in many forms. If you are fortunate enough to have an adolescent who shares his or her feelings, that's great. If not, don't force it.

3. Be sure your teenager has some reasonable amount of privacy.

4. Set parental limits. Make your standards and expectations very clear, but not excessive. Excessiveness invites rebellion.

5. Take their problems very seriously no matter how small they may seem.

6. Finally, like everything else in life, realize that adolescence like everything else will pass. Keep your sense of humor and learn how to laugh at what is often only a temporary difficulty.

On the other hand, there are some indicators of genuine difficulty in an adolescent such as: schoolwork becomes a significant problem; there is persistent fighting and arguing at home; physical complaints, anxiety, and depression of a chronic nature; there is significant difficulty in your child's social life such that she begins to avoid friends and isolate from others; and, any self-destructive behavior, sexual promiscuity, drug use or abuse. Moreover, any mention of suicide should be taken seriously.

When professional help is recommended, often I will suggest family-oriented therapy, which involves to one degree or another the entire family. While at times adolescents do need their own individual counseling, time spent working with the entire family can be particularly helpful to everyone involved.

Will Barnes, Therapist and Business-Financial Consultant, for over thirty-eight years has counseled individuals and families in the areas of successful parenting, relationship building, personal growth, and making sound financial decisions. Visit for more articles on successful parenting, building healthy relationships and the other key areas. Also if you are a single parent, go to the can't miss site for single parents.

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