Homeschooling Lies Part 1 - Goodbye Supermom

There are many misconceptions about homeschooling, and parents who have taken on the task of teaching children at home are often confronted by people who have little knowledge on the subject and plenty of opinion. An educated debate on the pros and cons of homeschooling is all well and good and generally welcomed, but a lot of noisy criticism from people who know next to nothing and worse, have no desire to hear the truth, is frustrating. This makes it ever so important for moms and dads who homeschool to embrace their choice and stop believing the lies that are carelessly tossed around.

Staying home and teaching your children requires discipline and patience. This does not mean you will be the most disciplined, ever patient mother on the block. It means you need to work on these character traits the same every other mother. Parenting is a life long journey, one that challenges at every new stage. We are imperfect because we are parents.

3 Things to Let Go Of

A clean house
Having kids home all day means either cleaning all day or turning a blind eye to the sink full of dirty dishes. Dole out chores and make doing them a family requirement.
Perfect children

This won't happen even with the one on one attention and extra parenting they are receiving. They will be likeable with unique charm, but they will still argue, talk back, and complain. Expect better behaviour, teach it, live it and every day you will see more of it-with plenty of annoying and antagonistic antics mixed in.

Balanced Meal Times

Nutrition is good. Healthy meals are good. Making them every day and serving them on a set table as everyone gathers and shares their highs and lows also good. Expecting it to happen every day is a recipe for disappointment and burnout. Cherish the moments you gather as a family around the table understanding how precious that time is.

3 Things to Grab Hold Of

Laughter - Laugh at them, laugh at yourself, and laugh at all the things that come up throughout the day. Children have a unique sense of what is humorous, try to remember what it is like to be tickled so easily and join in the merriment. There are plenty of opportunities for laughter if you are willing to slow down and pay attention to all that is happening around you.

Simple pleasures - Snuggles on the couch in a stream of winter sunshine, quality conversation with your teenager, spontaneous dancing to an old song... there are so many moments to grasp hold of revel in. Take advantage of the extra pleasures being at home with your children affords you.

Milestones - Homeschooling is a gift of time, and intimacy. It is an up close and personal journey side by side with your children as they unlock the mysteries of the world and grow into adulthood. Mark the milestones as they come.

Say goodbye to any notion of being Supermom and enjoy the ups and downs, heartaches and headaches, joys and pleasures of homeschooling.

Karen Pasqualucci is a passionate (and opinionated) homeschooling mom! She has been homeschooling since 2001 and shares her discoveries and thoughts at her blog: where she would love to hear your questions, comments and feedback! Come on over and get the latest news on homeschooling! Come grab the first three chapters of her latest book - Secrets of Homeschool Success - for FREE!

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